Roasted Miso Marinated Cod, Sautéed Baby Bok Choy, Cauliflower Rice


Roasted Miso Marinated Rock Cod

I love this recipe.  It is so easy and quick and it is always a show stopper.  There is no added fat other than the fat from the fish, and the oil used to sauté the bok choy. 

Miso is one of the most healing foods.  Beneficial probiotics found in miso help combat digestive issues caused by an imbalance in gut bacteria, including constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating and IBS.  There’s research that shows miso helps to lower the risk of cancer, improve the immune system, bone health and a healthy nervous system. It has anti-aging properties and helps in maintaining healthy skin as well.

I usually pair this delicious recipe with sautéed bok choy and steamed rice.  For rice, I love a mix of jasmine and sushi rice for the consistency and texture. 

Ingredients (for Miso Cod):

            (For Two Servings)

Under 1 lb. of fresh wild caught cod (Rock Cod, Red Snapper, Black Cod - more delicate and even tastier)

Shiitake Mushrooms, 6-8, stems removed, sliced (save half of this for the bok choy sauté)

Ginger powder. 1/4 tsp, optional

White Organic Miso, 2-3 Tbsp

Mirin ¼ cup

Soy Sauce (Organic, or use Organic Tamari), 1-2 tsp

Maple Syrup, to taste

Water to dilute the marinade

Cilantro, optional

Plastic baggie, one-gallon size

Portion the fish into two, if not already done so. 

Combine and whisk together the miso, mirin, ginger powder, soy sauce, maple syrup.  Add a little water to dilute the marinade into a nice consistency, not too thick or too thin.  It should be of a consistency to coat the fish and not be a body of liquid the fish rests on. 

Put the fish in a plastic baggie and pour the marinade into the bag.  Gently seal the baggie and push the air out of the bag.  Squish the fish and the marinade around until the fish looks like it’s got enough marinade around it.  Put the bag in the fridge and let it sit for 2-4 hours, or longer.  The flavor of the fish increases if you can let it marinade for longer, 6-8 hours, or even overnight.  Occasionally turn the bag over or to make sure all sides of the fish is on the marinade.

Preheat the oven to 425F.  Line the bottom of a small roasting pan with parchment paper.  I use a 12” skillet instead of a roasting pan.  Put the fish and the marinade on the pan.  Scatter the sliced shiitake mushrooms on top of the fish, spoon the marinade over the entire fish to get some moisture over the mushrooms.  Roast the fish for 10 minutes.

Ingredients for Sautéed Bok Choy

            (For Two Servings)

4-6 Baby Bok Choy, cleaned, ends chopped off and removed, sliced.  Separate the white parts of the stem from the green leafy part.

Ginger, 4-6 pieces, sliced

Garlic, 2 cloves, chopped

Grapeseed oil, 2 Tbsp

Salt or soy sauce/tamari sauce

Heat sauté pan on med/high.  Sauté chopped garlic for 30 seconds, then put in ginger slices and sauté for a minute.  Place the white stems of the bok choy in the pan and sauté for a couple of minutes before putting the green leafy part of the bok choy in the pan.  This is so that the stems have a chance to cook down and soften up and not wilt the green leafy part if we were to cook them together.   Something I learnt by trial and error… Sauté for another minute, not letting the leafy greens wilt too much.

Season with salt or soy sauce/tamari sauce as you please.

Ingredients for Cauliflower Rice

            For Two Servings

            Half head of cauliflower or a full head, depending on the size.

            Discard the bottom and stems.  Roughly cut into florets about one-inch size.

Boil water in a two-quart size pan, add salt as water begins to boil.  Place the cauliflower florets in the boiling water for a minute or two.  Drain.  Using a food processor (Cuisinart), separate the boiled florets in batches and process them by pulsating in spurts, until they have the appearance of rice.  Remove to a bowl and reserve for serving at the end.

Tina Kwok