Hi, I'm Tina, a Functional Medicine Health Coach. I'll help you achieve your goals of optimal health, lasting lifestyle changes, and self-sufficiency.
Samskara is an ancient term that refers to cycles of karmic impressions and patterns repeating over and over, lifetime after lifetime. Some Samskara patterns have beneficial consequences; others are negative. Fortunately, we can shift Samskara to positive with on-going effort, transforming our life.
As a certified heath coach and certified yoga teacher, I apply the concept of Samskara to health and wellbeing.
Health Coaching
I use the “client-centered” approach to find out what is important to you so I can empower you with the tools and skills to help you make lifestyle changes and work through any challenges that might come your way towards your transformation. Please go to the link below to view Dr. Christi Hughes on Functional Medicine and Health Coaching
Healthy Eating
Using delicious and easy to make healthy recipes, I will help you learn, re-invent and re-invigorate your culinary skills and repertoire. Food is medicine. You will know how to nurture and heal your body using food and its nutrient and therefore helping your body function at its best.
Yoga and Meditation
The practice of yoga and meditation is widely used for relaxation and stress management. As your health coach, we will explore together, various yoga styles, poses and meditation practice to specifically fit into your lifestyle and healthy routine.
Its about the journey.
What will it look like for you in one, two, or three months after working together? We will have made some solid health goals and designs for positive long lasting lifestyle changes to fortify your ability to reach your health goals. You will have some yummy and recipes for delicious and healthy meals and even the chance to practice making them with me. You will start to develop or further refine your practice of yoga and meditation for improving strength, body conditioning, and general endurance. Sounds good? And that’s your first step to a long and healthy life, which will enable you to do all the other things you’d want to do with your loved ones.
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